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My enemies ask this cruel question about me,[a]
‘When will he finally die and be forgotten?’[b]
When someone comes to visit,[c] he pretends to be friendly;[d]
he thinks of ways to defame me,[e]
and when he leaves he slanders me.[f]
All who hate me whisper insults about me to one another;[g]
they plan ways to harm me.

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  1. Psalm 41:5 tn Heb “my enemies speak evil concerning me.”
  2. Psalm 41:5 tn Heb “and his name perish.”
  3. Psalm 41:6 tn Heb “to see.”
  4. Psalm 41:6 tn Heb “he speaks deceitfully.”
  5. Psalm 41:6 tn Heb “his heart gathers sin to itself.”
  6. Psalm 41:6 tn Heb “he goes outside and speaks.”
  7. Psalm 41:7 tn Heb “together against me they whisper, all those who hate me.” The Hitpael of לָחַשׁ (lakhash) refers here to whispering to one another (see 2 Sam 12:19).