11 deliver me;
    rescue me(A) from the hands of foreigners(B)
whose mouths are full of lies,(C)
    whose right hands are deceitful.(D)

12 Then our sons in their youth
    will be like well-nurtured plants,(E)
and our daughters will be like pillars(F)
    carved to adorn a palace.
13 Our barns will be filled(G)
    with every kind of provision.
Our sheep will increase by thousands,
    by tens of thousands in our fields;
14     our oxen(H) will draw heavy loads.[a]
There will be no breaching of walls,(I)
    no going into captivity,
    no cry of distress in our streets.(J)
15 Blessed is the people(K) of whom this is true;
    blessed is the people whose God is the Lord.

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  1. Psalm 144:14 Or our chieftains will be firmly established

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