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Freedom from Terror

Psalm 10

Why, Adonai, are You standing far off?
Why hide Yourself in times of trouble?

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12 Arise, Adonai! O God, lift up Your hand.
Do not forget the afflicted.
13 Why does the wicked one revile God?
He says in his heart:
“You will never require anything.”
14 You saw—for You see trouble and grief,
    to take it in Your hand.
The victim puts his trust in You—
You are the helper of the orphan.
15 Break the arm of the wicked, evil one!
Call him to account for his wickedness—
    until no more is found.
16 Adonai is King forever and ever!
Nations will be wiped off His land.
17 You hear, Adonai, the desire of the meek.
You encourage them and incline Your ear.
18 You vindicate the orphan and oppressed,
so that man, who is earthly, may terrify no more.

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