10 All the horns of the wicked also will I cut off; but the horns of the righteous shall be exalted.

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10 But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil.

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17 For thou art the glory of their strength: and in thy favour our horn shall be exalted.

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25 The horn of Moab is cut off, and his arm is broken, saith the Lord.

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14 He also exalteth the horn of his people, the praise of all his saints; even of the children of Israel, a people near unto him. Praise ye the Lord.

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I will early destroy all the wicked of the land; that I may cut off all wicked doers from the city of the Lord.

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69 And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David;

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20 And the Lord shewed me four carpenters.

21 Then said I, What come these to do? And he spake, saying, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, so that no man did lift up his head: but these are come to fray them, to cast out the horns of the Gentiles, which lifted up their horn over the land of Judah to scatter it.

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And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoiceth in the Lord, mine horn is exalted in the Lord: my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I rejoice in thy salvation.

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