(A)I have become as a wonder to many,
But You are my strong refuge.

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18 (A)Here am I and the children whom the Lord has given me!
We (B)are for signs and wonders in Israel
From the Lord of hosts,
Who dwells in Mount Zion.

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For I think that God has displayed us, the apostles, last, as men condemned to death; for we have been made a (A)spectacle [a]to the world, both to angels and to men.

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  1. 1 Corinthians 4:9 Lit. theater

The Name of Jesus Forbidden

13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, (A)and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.

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19 O Lord, (A)my strength and my fortress,
(B)My refuge in the day of affliction,
The Gentiles shall come to You
From the ends of the earth and say,
“Surely our fathers have inherited lies,
Worthlessness and (C)unprofitable things.

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by honor and dishonor, by evil report and good report; as deceivers, and yet true; as unknown, and (A)yet well known; (B)as dying, and behold we live; (C)as chastened, and yet not killed; 10 as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many (D)rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.

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(A)In God is my salvation and my glory;
The rock of my strength,
And my refuge, is in God.

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34 Then Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary His mother, “Behold, this Child is destined for the (A)fall and rising of many in Israel, and for (B)a sign which will be spoken against

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The Coming Branch

Then the Angel of the Lord admonished Joshua, saying,

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For You have been a shelter for me,
(A)A strong tower from the enemy.

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We are (A)hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not (B)forsaken; (C)struck down, but not destroyed— 10 (D)always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, (E)that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. 11 For we who live (F)are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. 12 So then death is working in us, but life in you.

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Look on my right hand and see,
For there is no one who acknowledges me;
Refuge has failed me;
No one cares for my soul.

I cried out to You, O Lord:
I said, “You are my refuge,
My portion in the land of the living.

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