For strangers have risen up against me,
And oppressors have sought after my life;
They have not set God before them. Selah

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14 O God, the proud have risen against me,
And a mob of violent men have sought my life,
And have not set You before them.

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Man’s Wickedness and God’s Perfections

To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David the servant of the Lord.

36 An oracle within my heart concerning the transgression of the wicked:
(A)There is no fear of God before his eyes.

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And (A)these things they will do [a]to you because they have not known the Father nor Me.

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  1. John 16:3 NU, M omit to you

Have the workers of iniquity (A)no knowledge,
Who eat up my people as they eat bread,
And do not call upon God?

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For look, they lie in wait for my life;
(A)The mighty gather against me,
Not for my transgression nor for my sin, O Lord.
They run and prepare themselves through no fault of mine.

(B)Awake to help me, and behold!
You therefore, O Lord God of hosts, the God of Israel,
Awake to punish all the [a]nations;
Do not be merciful to any wicked transgressors. Selah

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  1. Psalm 59:5 Gentiles

14 (A)Let them be ashamed and brought to mutual confusion
Who seek to destroy my [a]life;
Let them be driven backward and brought to dishonor
Who wish me evil.

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  1. Psalm 40:14 Lit. soul

16 For dogs have surrounded Me;
The congregation of the wicked has enclosed Me.
(A)They[a] pierced My hands and My feet;

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  1. Psalm 22:16 So with some Heb. mss., LXX, Syr., Vg.; MT Like a lion instead of They pierced

(A)I have set the Lord always before me;
Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.

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20 (A)But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitudes that they should ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus. 21 The governor answered and said to them, “Which of the two do you want me to release to you?”

They said, (B)“Barabbas!”

22 Pilate said to them, “What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?”

They all said to him, “Let Him be crucified!”

23 Then the governor said, (C)“Why, what evil has He done?”

But they cried out all the more, saying, “Let Him be crucified!”

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(A)I have become a stranger to my brothers,
And an alien to my mother’s children;

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13 “He(A) has removed my brothers far from me,
And my acquaintances are completely estranged from me.
14 My relatives have failed,
And my close friends have forgotten me.
15 Those who dwell in my house, and my maidservants,
Count me as a stranger;
I am an alien in their sight.

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