18 If you see a thief, (A)you are pleased with him,
    (B)and you keep company with adulterers.

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22 (A)Do not be hasty in the (B)laying on of hands, nor (C)take part in the sins of others; keep yourself pure.

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32 Though they know (A)God's righteous decree that those who practice such things (B)deserve to die, they not only do them but (C)give approval to those who practice them.

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(A)Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge (B)the sexually immoral and adulterous.

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11 (A)Take no part in the (B)unfruitful (C)works of darkness, but instead (D)expose them. 12 For (E)it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. 13 But when (F)anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible,

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30 saying, ‘If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’

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(A)Their hands are on what is evil, to do it well;
    (B)the prince and (C)the judge ask for a bribe,
and the great man utters the evil desire of his soul;
    thus they weave it together.

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They were well-fed, lusty stallions,
    (A)each neighing (B)for his neighbor's wife.
(C)Shall I not punish them for these things?
declares the Lord;
    and shall I not avenge myself
    on a nation such as this?

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23 who (A)acquit the guilty for a bribe,
    and deprive the innocent of his right!

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19 For (A)my husband is not at home;
    he has gone on a long journey;
20 he took a bag of money with him;
    at full moon he will come home.”

21 With much seductive speech she persuades him;
    with (B)her smooth talk she compels him.
22 All at once he follows her,
    as an ox goes to the slaughter,
or as a stag is caught fast[a]
23     till an arrow pierces its liver;
as (C)a bird rushes into a snare;
    he does not know that it will cost him his life.

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  1. Proverbs 7:22 Probable reading (compare Septuagint, Vulgate, Syriac); Hebrew as a chain to discipline a fool

16 So (A)you will be delivered from the forbidden[a] woman,
    from (B)the adulteress[b] with (C)her smooth words,
17 who forsakes (D)the companion of her youth
    and forgets (E)the covenant of her God;
18 (F)for her house sinks down to death,
    and her paths to the departed;[c]
19 none who go to her come back,
    nor do they regain the paths of life.

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  1. Proverbs 2:16 Hebrew strange
  2. Proverbs 2:16 Hebrew foreign woman
  3. Proverbs 2:18 Hebrew to the Rephaim

10 My son, if sinners (A)entice you,
    do not consent.
11 If they say, “Come with us, (B)let us lie in wait for blood;
    (C)let us ambush the innocent without reason;
12 like Sheol let us (D)swallow them alive,
    and whole, like (E)those who go down to the pit;
13 we shall find all precious goods,
    we shall fill our houses with plunder;
14 throw in your lot among us;
    we will all have one purse”—
15 my son, (F)do not walk in the way with them;
    (G)hold back your foot from their paths,
16 for (H)their feet run to evil,
    and they make haste to shed blood.
17 (I)For in vain is a net spread
    in the sight of any bird,
18 but these men (J)lie in wait for their own blood;
    they (K)set an ambush for their own lives.
19 (L)Such are the ways of everyone who is (M)greedy for unjust gain;
    (N)it takes away the life of its possessors.

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“If my heart has been enticed toward a woman,
    and I have (A)lain in wait at my neighbor's door,
10 then let my wife (B)grind for another,
    and let others (C)bow down on her.
11 For that would be a heinous crime;
    that would be an iniquity (D)to be punished by the judges;

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Punishments for Sexual Immorality

10 “If a (A)man commits adultery with the wife of[a] his neighbor, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.

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  1. Leviticus 20:10 Hebrew repeats if a man commits adultery with the wife of

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