25 We are brought down to the dust;(A)
    our bodies cling to the ground.

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ד Daleth

25 I am laid low in the dust;(A)
    preserve my life(B) according to your word.(C)

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Those who once ate delicacies
    are destitute in the streets.
Those brought up in royal purple(A)
    now lie on ash heaps.(B)

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23 I will put it into the hands of your tormentors,(A)
    who said to you,
    ‘Fall prostrate(B) that we may walk(C) on you.’
And you made your back like the ground,
    like a street to be walked on.”(D)

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11 You brought us into prison(A)
    and laid burdens(B) on our backs.
12 You let people ride over our heads;(C)
    we went through fire and water,
    but you brought us to a place of abundance.(D)

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