10 Remove thy stroke away from me: I am consumed by the blow of thine hand.

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34 Let him take his rod away from me, and let not his fear terrify me:

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21 Withdraw thine hand far from me: and let not thy dread make me afraid.

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There is no soundness in my flesh because of thine anger; neither is there any rest in my bones because of my sin.

For mine iniquities are gone over mine head: as an heavy burden they are too heavy for me.

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For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me: my moisture is turned into the drought of summer. Selah.

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16 Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.

17 The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.

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Wilt thou also disannul my judgment? wilt thou condemn me, that thou mayest be righteous?

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Wherefore ye shall make images of your emerods, and images of your mice that mar the land; and ye shall give glory unto the God of Israel: peradventure he will lighten his hand from off you, and from off your gods, and from off your land.

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