23 (A)The steps of a good man are [a]ordered by the Lord,
And He delights in his way.

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  1. Psalm 37:23 established

(A)A man’s heart plans his way,
(B)But the Lord directs his steps.

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133 (A)Direct my steps by Your word,
And (B)let no iniquity have dominion over me.

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26 Ponder the path of your (A)feet,
And let all your ways be established.

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He also brought me up out of a horrible pit,
Out of (A)the miry clay,
And (B)set my feet upon a rock,
And established my steps.

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The Lord shall (A)preserve[a] your going out and your coming in
From this time forth, and even forevermore.

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  1. Psalm 121:8 keep

(A)He will guard the feet of His saints,
But the (B)wicked shall be silent in darkness.

“For by strength no man shall prevail.

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13 Righteousness will go before Him,
And shall make His footsteps our pathway.

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23 O Lord, I know the (A)way of man is not in himself;
It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.

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(A)He will not allow your foot to [a]be moved;
(B)He who keeps you will not slumber.

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  1. Psalm 121:3 slip

11 (A)My foot has held fast to His steps;
I have kept His way and not turned aside.
12 I have not departed from the (B)commandment of His lips;
(C)I have treasured the words of His mouth
More than my [a]necessary food.

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  1. Job 23:12 Lit. appointed portion

10 (A)He does not delight in the strength of the horse;
He takes no pleasure in the legs of a man.
11 The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him,
In those who hope in His mercy.

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(A)Uphold my steps in Your paths,
That my footsteps may not slip.

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24 But (A)let him who glories glory in this,
That he understands and knows Me,
That I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, [a]judgment, and righteousness in the earth.
(B)For in these I delight,” says the Lord.

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  1. Jeremiah 9:24 justice

Oh, that my ways were directed
To keep Your statutes!

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The Folly of Wickedness

11 (A)Dishonest[a] scales are an abomination to the Lord,
But a [b]just weight is His delight.

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  1. Proverbs 11:1 deceptive
  2. Proverbs 11:1 Lit. perfect stone

16 (A)But do not forget to do good and to share, for (B)with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

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20 Those who are of a perverse heart are an abomination to the Lord,
But the blameless in their ways are His delight.

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