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145 I call with all my heart;(A) answer me, Lord,
    and I will obey your decrees.(B)

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10 I seek you with all my heart;(A)
    do not let me stray from your commands.(B)

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13 You will seek(A) me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.(B)

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106 I have taken an oath(A) and confirmed it,
    that I will follow your righteous laws.(B)

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Psalm 142[a]

A maskil[b] of David. When he was in the cave.(A) A prayer.

I cry aloud(B) to the Lord;
    I lift up my voice to the Lord for mercy.(C)
I pour out before him my complaint;(D)
    before him I tell my trouble.(E)

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  1. Psalm 142:1 In Hebrew texts 142:1-7 is numbered 142:2-8.
  2. Psalm 142:1 Title: Probably a literary or musical term

115 Away from me,(A) you evildoers,
    that I may keep the commands of my God!

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44 I will always obey your law,(A)
    for ever and ever.

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Psalm 102[a]

A prayer of an afflicted person who has grown weak and pours out a lament before the Lord.

Hear my prayer,(A) Lord;
    let my cry for help(B) come to you.

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  1. Psalm 102:1 In Hebrew texts 102:1-28 is numbered 102:2-29.

Bring joy to your servant, Lord,
    for I put my trust(A) in you.

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Trust in him at all times, you people;(A)
    pour out your hearts to him,(B)
    for God is our refuge.

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Psalm 61[a]

For the director of music. With stringed instruments. Of David.

Hear my cry, O God;(A)
    listen to my prayer.(B)

From the ends of the earth I call to you,
    I call as my heart grows faint;(C)
    lead me to the rock(D) that is higher than I.

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  1. Psalm 61:1 In Hebrew texts 61:1-8 is numbered 61:2-9.

15 “Not so, my lord,” Hannah replied, “I am a woman who is deeply troubled.(A) I have not been drinking wine or beer; I was pouring(B) out my soul to the Lord.

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10 In her deep anguish(A) Hannah prayed to the Lord, weeping bitterly.

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