Psalm 114

When Israel came out of Egypt,(A)
    Jacob from a people of foreign tongue,

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When God went out against Egypt,(A)
    he established it as a statute for Joseph.

I heard an unknown voice say:(B)

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Then Moses said to the people, “Commemorate this day, the day you came out of Egypt,(A) out of the land of slavery, because the Lord brought you out of it with a mighty hand.(B) Eat nothing containing yeast.(C)

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41 At the end of the 430 years, to the very day, all the Lord’s divisions(A) left Egypt.(B) 42 Because the Lord kept vigil that night to bring them out of Egypt, on this night all the Israelites are to keep vigil to honor the Lord for the generations to come.(C)

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23 They did not realize(A) that Joseph could understand them,(B) since he was using an interpreter.

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16 There will be a highway(A) for the remnant(B) of his people
    that is left from Assyria,(C)
as there was for Israel
    when they came up from Egypt.(D)

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The Passover(A)

16 Observe the month of Aviv(B) and celebrate the Passover(C) of the Lord your God, because in the month of Aviv he brought you out of Egypt by night.

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So the Lord brought us out of Egypt(A) with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm,(B) with great terror and with signs and wonders.(C)

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“I am the Lord your God,(A) who brought you out(B) of Egypt,(C) out of the land of slavery.(D)

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