He has shown his people the power of his works,
    in giving them the inheritance of the nations.

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You brought (A)a vine out of Egypt;
    you (B)drove out the nations and planted it.

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12 In the sight of their fathers (A)he performed wonders
    in the land of Egypt, in (B)the fields of Zoan.
13 He (C)divided the sea and let them pass through it,
    and made the waters (D)stand like a heap.
14 (E)In the daytime he led them with a cloud,
    and all the night with a fiery light.
15 He (F)split rocks in the wilderness
    and gave them drink abundantly as from the deep.
16 He made streams come out of (G)the rock
    and caused waters to flow down like rivers.

17 Yet they sinned still more against him,
    (H)rebelling against the Most High in the desert.
18 They (I)tested God in their heart
    by demanding the food they craved.
19 They spoke against God, saying,
    (J)“Can God (K)spread a table in the wilderness?
20 (L)He struck the rock so that water gushed out
    and streams overflowed.
Can he also give bread
    or provide meat for his people?”

21 Therefore, when the Lord heard, he was full of wrath;
    (M)a fire was kindled against Jacob;
    his anger rose against Israel,
22 because they (N)did not believe in God
    and did not trust his saving power.
23 Yet he commanded the skies above
    and (O)opened the doors of heaven,
24 and he (P)rained down on them manna to eat
    and gave them (Q)the grain of heaven.
25 Man ate of the bread of (R)the angels;
    he sent them food (S)in abundance.
26 He (T)caused the east wind to blow in the heavens,
    and by his power he led out the south wind;
27 he rained meat on them like (U)dust,
    winged birds like (V)the sand of the seas;
28 he (W)let them fall in the midst of their camp,
    all around their dwellings.
29 And they (X)ate and were well filled,
    for he gave them what they (Y)craved.
30 But before they had satisfied their craving,
    (Z)while the food was still in their mouths,
31 the anger of God rose against them,
    and he killed (AA)the strongest of them
    and laid low (AB)the young men of Israel.

32 In spite of all this, they (AC)still sinned;
    (AD)despite his wonders, they did not believe.
33 So he made (AE)their days (AF)vanish like[a] a breath,[b]
    and their years in terror.
34 When he killed them, they (AG)sought him;
    they repented and sought God earnestly.
35 They remembered that God was their (AH)rock,
    the Most High God their (AI)redeemer.
36 But they (AJ)flattered him with their mouths;
    they (AK)lied to him with their tongues.
37 Their (AL)heart was not (AM)steadfast toward him;
    they were not faithful to his covenant.
38 Yet he, being (AN)compassionate,
    (AO)atoned for their iniquity
    and did not destroy them;
he restrained his anger often
    and did not stir up all his wrath.
39 He (AP)remembered that they were but (AQ)flesh,
    (AR)a wind that passes and comes not again.
40 How often they (AS)rebelled against him in the wilderness
    and (AT)grieved him in (AU)the desert!
41 They (AV)tested God again and again
    and provoked (AW)the Holy One of Israel.
42 They (AX)did not remember his power[c]
    or the day when he redeemed them from the foe,
43 (AY)when he performed his (AZ)signs in Egypt
    and his (BA)marvels in (BB)the fields of Zoan.
44 He (BC)turned their rivers to blood,
    so that they could not drink of their streams.
45 He sent among them swarms of (BD)flies, which devoured them,
    and (BE)frogs, which destroyed them.
46 He gave their crops to (BF)the destroying locust
    and the fruit of their labor to the locust.
47 He destroyed their vines with (BG)hail
    and their sycamores with frost.
48 He gave over their (BH)cattle to the hail
    and their flocks to thunderbolts.
49 He let loose on them his burning anger,
    wrath, indignation, and distress,
    a company of (BI)destroying angels.
50 He made a path for his anger;
    he did not spare them from death,
    but gave their lives over to the plague.
51 He struck down every (BJ)firstborn in Egypt,
    the firstfruits of their strength in the tents of (BK)Ham.
52 Then he led out his people (BL)like sheep
    and guided them in the wilderness like a flock.
53 (BM)He led them in safety, so that they (BN)were not afraid,
    but (BO)the sea overwhelmed their enemies.
54 And he brought them to his (BP)holy land,
    (BQ)to the mountain which his right hand had (BR)won.
55 He (BS)drove out nations before them;
    he (BT)apportioned them for a possession
    and settled the tribes of Israel in their tents.

56 Yet they (BU)tested and (BV)rebelled against the Most High God
    and did not keep his testimonies,
57 but turned away and acted treacherously like their fathers;
    they twisted like (BW)a deceitful bow.
58 For they (BX)provoked him to anger with their (BY)high places;
    they (BZ)moved him to jealousy with their (CA)idols.
59 When God heard, he was full of (CB)wrath,
    and he utterly rejected Israel.
60 He (CC)forsook his dwelling at (CD)Shiloh,
    the tent where he dwelt among mankind,
61 and delivered his (CE)power to captivity,
    his (CF)glory to the hand of the foe.
62 He (CG)gave his people over to the sword
    and (CH)vented his wrath on his heritage.
63 (CI)Fire devoured their young men,
    and their young women had no (CJ)marriage song.
64 Their (CK)priests fell by the sword,
    and their (CL)widows made no lamentation.
65 Then the Lord (CM)awoke as from sleep,
    like a strong man shouting because of wine.
66 And he (CN)put his adversaries to rout;
    he put them to everlasting shame.

67 He rejected the tent of (CO)Joseph;
    he did not choose the tribe of Ephraim,
68 but he chose the tribe of Judah,
    Mount Zion, which he (CP)loves.
69 He (CQ)built his sanctuary like the high heavens,
    like the earth, which he has founded forever.
70 He (CR)chose David his servant
    and took him from the sheepfolds;
71 from (CS)following the nursing ewes he brought him
    to (CT)shepherd Jacob his people,
    Israel his (CU)inheritance.
72 With (CV)upright heart he shepherded them
    and (CW)guided them with his skillful hand.

Read full chapter


  1. Psalm 78:33 Hebrew in
  2. Psalm 78:33 Or vapor
  3. Psalm 78:42 Hebrew hand

you with your own hand (A)drove out the nations,
    but (B)them you planted;
you afflicted the peoples,
    but (C)them you set free;

Read full chapter

Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage,
    and (A)the ends of the earth your possession.

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13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stopped,
    until the nation took vengeance on their enemies.

Is this not written in the Book of Jashar? The sun stopped in the midst of heaven and did not hurry to set for about a whole day. 14 (A)There has been no day like it before or since, when the Lord heeded the voice of a man, for (B)the Lord fought for Israel.

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20 So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people shouted a great shout, and (A)the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they captured the city.

Read full chapter

14 So when the people set out from their tents to pass over the Jordan with the priests bearing (A)the ark of the covenant before the people, 15 and as soon as those bearing the ark had come as far as the Jordan, and (B)the feet of the priests bearing the ark were dipped in the brink of the water (now (C)the Jordan overflows all its banks (D)throughout the time of harvest), 16 the waters coming down from above stood and rose up in a heap very far away, at Adam, the city that is beside (E)Zarethan, and those flowing down toward the Sea of (F)the Arabah, (G)the Salt Sea, were completely cut off. And the people passed over opposite Jericho. 17 Now the priests bearing the ark of the covenant of the Lord stood firmly on dry ground in the midst of the Jordan, (H)and all Israel was passing over on dry ground until all the nation finished passing over the Jordan.

Read full chapter

27 (A)They performed his signs among them
    and miracles in (B)the land of Ham.
28 He (C)sent darkness, and made the land dark;
    they (D)did not rebel[a] against his words.
29 He turned their waters into blood
    and (E)caused their fish to die.
30 Their land swarmed with frogs,
    even in (F)the chambers of their kings.
31 He spoke, and there came (G)swarms of flies,
    (H)and gnats throughout their country.
32 He gave them hail for rain,
    and fiery (I)lightning bolts through their land.
33 He struck down their vines and fig trees,
    and (J)shattered the trees of their country.
34 He spoke, and the (K)locusts came,
    young locusts without number,
35 which devoured all the vegetation in their land
    and ate up the fruit of their ground.
36 He (L)struck down all the firstborn in their land,
    (M)the firstfruits of all their strength.

37 Then he brought out Israel with (N)silver and gold,
    and there was none among his tribes who stumbled.
38 (O)Egypt was glad when they departed,
    for (P)dread of them had fallen upon it.

39 He (Q)spread a cloud for a covering,
    and fire to give light by night.
40 (R)They asked, and he (S)brought quail,
    and gave them (T)bread from heaven in abundance.
41 He opened the rock, and (U)water gushed out;
    it flowed through (V)the desert like a river.
42 For he (W)remembered his holy promise,
    and (X)Abraham, his servant.

43 So he brought his people out with joy,
    his (Y)chosen ones with (Z)singing.
44 And he (AA)gave them the lands of the nations,
    and they took possession of the fruit of the peoples' toil,
45 that they might (AB)keep his statutes
    and (AC)observe his laws.
(AD)Praise the Lord!

Read full chapter


  1. Psalm 105:28 Septuagint, Syriac omit not

The Lord Alone Is God

32 “For (A)ask now of the days that are past, which were before you, since the day that God created man on the earth, and ask from one end of heaven to the other, whether such a great thing as this has ever happened or was ever heard of. 33 (B)Did any people ever hear the voice of a god speaking out of the midst of the fire, as you have heard, and still live? 34 Or has any god ever attempted to go and take a nation for himself from the midst of another nation, by trials, (C)by signs, by wonders, and (D)by war, (E)by a mighty hand and (F)an outstretched arm, and by great deeds of terror, all of which the Lord your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes? 35 To you it was shown, (G)that you might know that the Lord is God; (H)there is no other besides him. 36 (I)Out of heaven he let you hear his voice, that he might discipline you. And on earth he let you see his great fire, and (J)you heard his words out of the midst of the fire. 37 And because (K)he loved your fathers and chose their offspring after them[a] and brought you out of Egypt (L)with his own presence, by his great power, 38 (M)driving out before you nations greater and mightier than you, to bring you in, to give you their land for an inheritance, as it is this day,

Read full chapter


  1. Deuteronomy 4:37 Hebrew his offspring after him

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