34 They did not destroy(A) the peoples
    as the Lord had commanded(B) them,

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21 The Benjamites, however, did not drive out(A) the Jebusites, who were living in Jerusalem;(B) to this day the Jebusites live there with the Benjamites.

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16 You must destroy all the peoples the Lord your God gives over to you.(A) Do not look on them with pity(B) and do not serve their gods,(C) for that will be a snare(D) to you.

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and when the Lord your God has delivered(A) them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy(B) them totally.[a](C) Make no treaty(D) with them, and show them no mercy.(E)

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  1. Deuteronomy 7:2 The Hebrew term refers to the irrevocable giving over of things or persons to the Lord, often by totally destroying them; also in verse 26.

19 Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?”

20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith(A) as small as a mustard seed,(B) you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move.(C) Nothing will be impossible for you.”

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12 “But if you turn away and ally yourselves with the survivors of these nations that remain among you and if you intermarry with them(A) and associate with them,(B) 13 then you may be sure that the Lord your God will no longer drive out(C) these nations before you. Instead, they will become snares(D) and traps for you, whips on your backs and thorns in your eyes,(E) until you perish from this good land,(F) which the Lord your God has given you.

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22 But Samuel replied:

“Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices
    as much as in obeying the Lord?
To obey is better than sacrifice,(A)
    and to heed is better than the fat of rams.
23 For rebellion is like the sin of divination,(B)
    and arrogance like the evil of idolatry.
Because you have rejected(C) the word of the Lord,
    he has rejected you as king.”

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55 “‘But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land, those you allow to remain will become barbs in your eyes and thorns(A) in your sides. They will give you trouble in the land where you will live. 56 And then I will do to you what I plan to do to them.(B)’”

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Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally(A) destroy[a] all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”

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  1. 1 Samuel 15:3 The Hebrew term refers to the irrevocable giving over of things or persons to the Lord, often by totally destroying them; also in verses 8, 9, 15, 18, 20 and 21.

27 But Manasseh did not(A) drive out the people of Beth Shan or Taanach or Dor(B) or Ibleam(C) or Megiddo(D) and their surrounding settlements, for the Canaanites(E) were determined to live in that land. 28 When Israel became strong, they pressed the Canaanites into forced labor but never drove them out completely.(F) 29 Nor did Ephraim(G) drive out the Canaanites living in Gezer,(H) but the Canaanites continued to live there among them.(I) 30 Neither did Zebulun drive out the Canaanites living in Kitron or Nahalol, so these Canaanites lived among them, but Zebulun did subject them to forced labor. 31 Nor did Asher(J) drive out those living in Akko or Sidon(K) or Ahlab or Akzib(L) or Helbah or Aphek(M) or Rehob.(N) 32 The Asherites lived among the Canaanite inhabitants of the land because they did not drive them out. 33 Neither did Naphtali drive out those living in Beth Shemesh(O) or Beth Anath(P); but the Naphtalites too lived among the Canaanite inhabitants of the land, and those living in Beth Shemesh and Beth Anath became forced laborers for them. 34 The Amorites(Q) confined the Danites(R) to the hill country, not allowing them to come down into the plain.(S) 35 And the Amorites were determined also to hold out in Mount Heres,(T) Aijalon(U) and Shaalbim,(V) but when the power of the tribes of Joseph increased, they too were pressed into forced labor. 36 The boundary of the Amorites was from Scorpion Pass(W) to Sela(X) and beyond.(Y)

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19 The Lord was with(A) the men of Judah. They took possession of the hill country,(B) but they were unable to drive the people from the plains, because they had chariots fitted with iron.(C)

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12 Yet the Manassites were not able(A) to occupy these towns, for the Canaanites were determined to live in that region. 13 However, when the Israelites grew stronger, they subjected the Canaanites to forced labor but did not drive them out completely.(B)

14 The people of Joseph said to Joshua, “Why have you given us only one allotment and one portion for an inheritance? We are a numerous people, and the Lord has blessed us abundantly.”(C)

15 “If you are so numerous,” Joshua answered, “and if the hill country of Ephraim is too small for you, go up into the forest(D) and clear land for yourselves there in the land of the Perizzites(E) and Rephaites.(F)

16 The people of Joseph replied, “The hill country is not enough for us, and all the Canaanites who live in the plain have chariots fitted with iron,(G) both those in Beth Shan(H) and its settlements and those in the Valley of Jezreel.”(I)

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10 They did not dislodge the Canaanites living in Gezer; to this day the Canaanites live among the people of Ephraim but are required to do forced labor.(A)

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63 Judah could not(A) dislodge the Jebusites(B), who were living in Jerusalem;(C) to this day the Jebusites live there with the people of Judah.(D)

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16 However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes.(A) 17 Completely destroy[a] them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you.

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  1. Deuteronomy 20:17 The Hebrew term refers to the irrevocable giving over of things or persons to the Lord, often by totally destroying them.

23 But the Lord your God will deliver them over to you, throwing them into great confusion until they are destroyed.(A) 24 He will give their kings(B) into your hand,(C) and you will wipe out their names from under heaven. No one will be able to stand up against you;(D) you will destroy them.(E)

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52 drive out all the inhabitants of the land before you. Destroy all their carved images and their cast idols, and demolish all their high places.(A)

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