18 (A)Pride goes before destruction,
    and a haughty spirit before a fall.
19 (B)It is better to be of a lowly spirit with the poor
    than to (C)divide the spoil with the proud.
20 Whoever gives thought to the word[a] (D)will discover good,
    and blessed is he (E)who trusts in the Lord.
21 The wise of heart is called discerning,
    and sweetness of speech (F)increases persuasiveness.
22 Good sense is (G)a fountain of life to him who has it,
    but the instruction of fools is folly.
23 (H)The heart of the wise makes his speech judicious
    and adds persuasiveness to his lips.
24 (I)Gracious words are like (J)a honeycomb,
    sweetness to the soul and (K)health to the body.
25 There is a way that seems right to a man,
    but its end is the way to death.[b]
26 A worker's appetite works for him;
    his (L)mouth urges him on.
27 (M)A worthless man plots evil,
    and his speech[c] is like (N)a scorching fire.

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  1. Proverbs 16:20 Or to a matter
  2. Proverbs 16:25 Hebrew ways of death
  3. Proverbs 16:27 Hebrew what is on his lips

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