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The Reasons for Proverbs

The proverbs of Solomon, David’s son who was king of Israel, ⌞given⌟
to grasp wisdom and discipline,
to understand deep thoughts,
to acquire the discipline of wise behavior—
righteousness and justice and fairness—
to give insight to gullible people,
to give knowledge and foresight to the young—
a wise person will listen and continue to learn,
and an understanding person will gain direction—
to understand a proverb and a clever saying,
the words of wise people and their riddles.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.
Stubborn fools despise wisdom and discipline.

Listen to Wisdom

My son,
listen to your father’s discipline,
and do not neglect your mother’s teachings,
because discipline and teachings
are a graceful garland on your head
and a ⌞golden⌟ chain around your neck.

10 My son,
if sinners lure you, do not go along.
11 If they say,
“Come with us.
Let’s set an ambush to kill someone.
Let’s hide to ambush innocent people for fun.
12 We’ll swallow them alive like the grave,
like those in good health who go into the pit.
13 We’ll find all kinds of valuable possessions.
We’ll fill our homes with stolen goods.
14 Join us.
We’ll split the loot equally.”

15 My son,
do not follow them in their way.
Do not even set foot on their path,
16 because they rush to do evil
and hurry to shed blood.
17 It does no good to spread a net
within the sight of any bird.
18 But these people set an ambush for their own murder.
They go into hiding only to lose their lives.
19 This is what happens to everyone
who is greedy for unjust gain.
Greed takes away his life.

20 Wisdom sings her song in the streets.
In the public squares she raises her voice.
21 At the corners of noisy streets she calls out.
At the entrances to the city she speaks her words,
22 “How long will you gullible people love being so gullible?
How long will you mockers find joy in your mocking?
How long will you fools hate knowledge?

23 “Turn to me when I warn you.
I will generously pour out my spirit for you.
I will make my words known to you.

24 “I called, and you refused to listen.
I stretched out my hands to you, and no one paid attention.
25 You ignored all my advice.
You did not want me to warn you.
26 I will laugh at your calamity.
I will make fun of you
when panic strikes you,
27 when panic strikes you like a violent storm,
when calamity strikes you like a wind storm,
when trouble and anguish come to you.

28 “They will call to me at that time, but I will not answer.
They will look for me, but they will not find me,
29 because they hated knowledge
and did not choose the fear of the Lord.
30 They refused my advice.
They despised my every warning.
31 They will eat the fruit of their lifestyle.
They will be stuffed with their own schemes.

32 “Gullible people kill themselves because of their turning away.
Fools destroy themselves because of their indifference.
33 But whoever listens to me will live without worry
and will be free from the dread of disaster.”

The Benefit of Wisdom

My son,
if you take my words ⌞to heart⌟
and treasure my commands within you,
if you pay close attention to wisdom,
and let your mind reach for understanding,
if indeed you call out for insight,
if you ask aloud for understanding,
if you search for wisdom as if it were money
and hunt for it as if it were hidden treasure,
then you will understand the fear of the Lord
and you will find the knowledge of God.
The Lord gives wisdom.
From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
He has reserved priceless wisdom for decent people.
He is a shield for those who walk in integrity
in order to guard those on paths of justice
and to watch over the way of his godly ones.
Then you will understand what is right and just and fair—
every good course ⌞in life⌟.

10 Wisdom will come into your heart.
Knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.
11 Foresight will protect you.
Understanding will guard you.

12 ⌞Wisdom will⌟ save you
from the way of evil,
from the person who speaks devious things,
13 from those who abandon the paths of righteousness
to walk the ways of darkness,
14 from those who enjoy doing evil,
from those who find joy in the deviousness of evil.
15 Their paths are crooked.
Their ways are devious.

16 ⌞Wisdom will⌟ also save you
from an adulterous woman,
from a loose woman with her smooth talk,
17 who leaves ⌞her husband,⌟ the closest friend of her youth,
and forgets her marriage vows to her God.
18 Her house sinks down to death.
Her ways lead to the souls of the dead.
19 None who have sex with her come back.
Nor do they ever reach the paths of life.

20 So walk in the way of good people
and stay on the paths of righteous people.
21 Decent people will live in the land.
People of integrity will remain in it.
22 But wicked people will be cut off from the land
and treacherous people will be torn [a] from it.


  1. 2:22 Or “will be swept away.”

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