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27 The kindred of Kohath shall have the peoples of Amram, and of Izhar, and of Hebron, and of Uzziel; these be the families of Kohathites,

28 numbered by their names, all of male kind, from one month and above, eight thousand and six hundred. They shall have the keepings of the saintuary, (and the number of all the males, from one month of age and older, was eight thousand and six hundred. They shall keep charge of the holy things of the sanctuary,)

29 and they shall set their tents at the south coast thereof; (and they shall pitch their tents on its south side;)

30 and the prince of them shall be Elizaphan, the son of Uzziel. (and their leader shall be Elizaphan, the son of Uzziel.)

31 And they shall keep (charge of) the ark, and the table, and the candlestick, the altars, and the vessels of the saintuary in which it is served, and the veil, and all such manner purtenance. (And they shall keep charge of the Ark, that is, the Box containing the tablets of the Law, and the table, and the lamp-stand, and the altars, and the vessels of the sanctuary with which they shall serve, or they shall minister, and the Veil, and all the other things in the service thereof.)

32 Soothly the prince of princes of Levites shall be Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest; and he shall be upon the keepers of the keeping of the saintuary. (And the leader of the leaders of the Levites shall be Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest; and he shall be over those in charge of the sanctuary.)

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