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19 If the cloud remained over the Tabernacle for a long time, the Israelites stayed and performed their duty to the Lord.

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“This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: If you follow my ways and carefully serve me, then you will be given authority over my Temple and its courtyards. I will let you walk among these others standing here.

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They will also maintain all the furnishings of the sacred tent,[a] serving in the Tabernacle on behalf of all the Israelites.

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  1. 3:8 Hebrew the Tent of Meeting; also in 3:25.

52 Each tribe of Israel will camp in a designated area with its own family banner. 53 But the Levites will camp around the Tabernacle of the Covenant to protect the community of Israel from the Lord’s anger. The Levites are responsible to stand guard around the Tabernacle.”

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