The words of Nehemiah(A) son of Hacaliah:

News from Jerusalem

During the month of Chislev[a](B) in the twentieth year,[b](C) when I was in the fortress city of Susa,(D) Hanani,(E) one of my brothers, arrived with men from Judah, and I questioned them about Jerusalem and the Jewish remnant(F) that had survived the exile.(G) They said to me, “The remnant in the province,(H) who survived the exile, are in great trouble and disgrace. Jerusalem’s wall has been broken down, and its gates have been burned down.”(I)

Nehemiah’s Prayer

When I heard these words, I sat down and wept. I mourned for a number of days, fasting and praying(J) before the God of heaven.(K)

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  1. Nehemiah 1:1 = November–December
  2. Nehemiah 1:1 Artaxerxes reigned 465-425 b.c.

Nehemiah Sent to Jerusalem

During the month of Nisan[a] in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes,(A) when wine was set before him, I took the wine and gave it to the king. I had never been sad in his presence, so the king said to me, “Why are you[b] sad, when you aren’t sick? This is nothing but depression.”[c](B)

I was overwhelmed with fear and replied to the king, “May the king live forever! Why should I[d] not be sad when the city where my ancestors are buried lies in ruins and its gates have been destroyed by fire?”(C)

Then the king asked me, “What is your request?”

So I prayed to the God of heaven(D) and answered the king, “If it pleases the king, and if your servant has found favor with you, send me to Judah and to the city where my ancestors are buried,[e](E) so that I may rebuild it.”(F)

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  1. Nehemiah 2:1 = March–April; called Abib in the pre-exilic period; Ex 13:4; Dt 16:1
  2. Nehemiah 2:2 Lit Why is your face
  3. Nehemiah 2:2 Lit sadness of heart
  4. Nehemiah 2:3 Lit my face
  5. Nehemiah 2:5 Lit city, the house of the graves of my fathers,

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