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At the meeting I said to them, “We are doing all we can to redeem our Jewish relatives who have had to sell themselves to pagan foreigners, but you are selling them back into slavery again. How often must we redeem them?” And they had nothing to say in their defense.

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47 “Suppose a foreigner or temporary resident becomes rich while living among you. If any of your fellow Israelites fall into poverty and are forced to sell themselves to such a foreigner or to a member of his family, 48 they still retain the right to be bought back, even after they have been purchased. They may be bought back by a brother, 49 an uncle, or a cousin. In fact, anyone from the extended family may buy them back. They may also redeem themselves if they have prospered.

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12 Whatever you give is acceptable if you give it eagerly. And give according to what you have, not what you don’t have.

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11 So because of your superior knowledge, a weak believer[a] for whom Christ died will be destroyed.

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  1. 8:11 Greek brother; also in 8:13.

15 And if another believer is distressed by what you eat, you are not acting in love if you eat it. Don’t let your eating ruin someone for whom Christ died.

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19 Obviously, the law applies to those to whom it was given, for its purpose is to keep people from having excuses, and to show that the entire world is guilty before God.

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29 To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.

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15 He gave five bags of silver[a] to one, two bags of silver to another, and one bag of silver to the last—dividing it in proportion to their abilities. He then left on his trip.

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  1. 25:15 Greek talents; also throughout the story. A talent is equal to 75 pounds or 34 kilograms.

12 ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how is it that you are here without wedding clothes?’ But the man had no reply.

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15 You sit there baffled,
    with nothing more to say.

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10 The highest officials of the city stood quietly,
    holding their tongues in respect.

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“If anyone kidnaps a fellow Israelite and treats him as a slave or sells him, the kidnapper must die. In this way, you will purge the evil from among you.

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16 “Kidnappers must be put to death, whether they are caught in possession of their victims or have already sold them as slaves.

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10 Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith.

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