And I said: “I pray, (A)Lord God of heaven, O great and (B)awesome God, (C)You who keep Your covenant and mercy with those who love [a]You and observe [b]Your commandments,

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  1. Nehemiah 1:5 Lit. Him
  2. Nehemiah 1:5 Lit. His

but (A)showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

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And I prayed to the Lord my God, and made confession, and said, “O (A)Lord, great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and mercy with those who love Him, and with those who keep His commandments, (B)we have sinned and committed iniquity, we have done wickedly and rebelled, even by departing from Your precepts and Your judgments. (C)Neither have we heeded Your servants the prophets, who spoke in Your name to our kings and our princes, to our fathers and all the people of the land. O Lord, (D)righteousness belongs to You, but to us shame of face, as it is this day—to the men of Judah, to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all Israel, those near and those far off in all the countries to which You have driven them, because of the unfaithfulness which they have committed against You.

“O Lord, to us belongs shame of face, to our kings, our princes, and our fathers, because we have sinned against You. (E)To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness, though we have rebelled against Him. 10 We have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God, to walk in His laws, which He set before us by His servants the prophets. 11 Yes, (F)all Israel has transgressed Your law, and has departed so as not to obey Your voice; therefore the curse and the oath written in the (G)Law of Moses the servant of God have been poured out on us, because we have sinned against Him. 12 And He has (H)confirmed His words, which He spoke against us and against our judges who judged us, by bringing upon us a great disaster; (I)for under the whole heaven such has never been done as what has been done to Jerusalem.

13 (J)“As it is written in the Law of Moses, all this disaster has come upon us; (K)yet we have not made our prayer before the Lord our God, that we might turn from our iniquities and understand Your truth. 14 Therefore the Lord has (L)kept the disaster in mind, and brought it upon us; for (M)the Lord our God is righteous in all the works which He does, though we have not obeyed His voice. 15 And now, O Lord our God, (N)who brought Your people out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand, and made Yourself (O)a name, as it is this day—we have sinned, we have done wickedly!

16 “O Lord, (P)according to all Your righteousness, I pray, let Your anger and Your fury be turned away from Your city Jerusalem, (Q)Your holy mountain; because for our sins, (R)and for the iniquities of our fathers, (S)Jerusalem and Your people (T)are a reproach to all those around us. 17 Now therefore, our God, hear the prayer of Your servant, and his supplications, (U)and (V)for the Lord’s sake [a]cause Your face to shine on [b]Your sanctuary, (W)which is desolate. 18 (X)O my God, incline Your ear and hear; open Your eyes (Y)and see our desolations, and the city (Z)which is called by Your name; for we do not present our supplications before You because of our righteous deeds, but because of Your great mercies. 19 O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and act! Do not delay for Your own sake, my God, for Your city and Your people are called by Your name.”

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  1. Daniel 9:17 Be gracious
  2. Daniel 9:17 The temple

21 You shall not be terrified of them; for the Lord your God, the great and awesome God, is among you.

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14 And I looked, and arose and said to the nobles, to the leaders, and to the rest of the people, (A)“Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, (B)great and awesome, and (C)fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.”

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“Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, (A)the faithful God (B)who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments;

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God’s Infallible Purpose in Christ

13 For when God made a promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no one greater, (A)He swore by Himself, 14 saying, (B)“Surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you.” 15 And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the (C)promise. 16 For men indeed swear by the greater, and (D)an oath for confirmation is for them an end of all dispute. 17 Thus God, determining to show more abundantly to (E)the heirs of promise (F)the [a]immutability of His counsel, [b]confirmed it by an oath, 18 that by two [c]immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to (G)lie, we [d]might have strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope (H)set before us.

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  1. Hebrews 6:17 unchangeableness of His purpose
  2. Hebrews 6:17 guaranteed
  3. Hebrews 6:18 unchangeable
  4. Hebrews 6:18 M omits might

32 “Now therefore, our God,
The great, the (A)mighty, and awesome God,
Who keeps covenant and mercy:
Do not let all the [a]trouble seem small before You
That has come upon us,
Our kings and our princes,
Our priests and our prophets,
Our fathers and on all Your people,
(B)From the days of the kings of Assyria until this day.

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  1. Nehemiah 9:32 hardship

23 and he said: “Lord God of Israel, (A)there is no God in heaven above or on earth below like You, (B)who keep Your covenant and mercy with Your servants who (C)walk before You with all their hearts.

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21 (A)And who is like Your people Israel, the one nation on the earth whom God went to redeem for Himself as a people—to make for Yourself a name by great and awesome deeds, by driving out nations from before Your people whom You redeemed from Egypt?

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For the Lord Most High is awesome;
He is a great (A)King over all the earth.

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