Wherewith [a]shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the high God? shall I come before him with burnt offerings, and with calves of a year old?

Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousand rivers of oil? shall I give my [b]firstborn for my transgression, even the fruit of my body, for the sin of my soul?

He hath showed thee, O man, what is good, and what the Lord requireth of thee: [c]surely to do justly, and to love mercy, and to humble thyself, to walk with thy God.

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  1. Micah 6:6 Thus the people by hypocrisy ask how to please God and are content to offer sacrifices, but will not change their lives.
  2. Micah 6:7 There is nothing so dear to man, but the hypocrites will offer it unto God, if they think thereby to avoid his anger: but they will never be brought to mortify their own affections, and to give themselves willingly to serve God as he commandeth.
  3. Micah 6:8 The Prophet in few words calleth them to the observation of the second Table, to know if they will obey God aright or no, saying that God hath prescribed them to do this.

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