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Jesus Calls His Followers To Set Aside Earthly Goals And Limitations

18 Now Jesus, having seen a crowd around Him, gave-orders to depart to the other side. 19 And having come to Him, one scribe said to Him, “Teacher, I will follow You wherever You go”. 20 And Jesus says to him, “The foxes have holes and the birds of the heaven have nests, but the Son of Man does not have[a] a place where He may lay His head”. 21 And another of His disciples said to Him, “Master, permit me first to go and bury[b] my father”. 22 But Jesus says to him, “Be following Me, and allow the dead to bury their own dead”.

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  1. Matthew 8:20 That is, Jesus is not going to an earthly home or destiny to which this man can follow Him.
  2. Matthew 8:21 This man’s father may have just died; or, he may mean ‘Let me fulfill my duty to my father. When he dies, I will follow You.’

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