Matthew 24:15-28
Mounce Reverse Interlinear New Testament
15 “ Therefore oun when hotan you see the ho ‘ abomination bdelygma of ho desolation erēmōsis’ · ho spoken legō of by dia the ho prophet prophētēs Daniel Daniēl, standing histēmi in en the holy hagios place topos ( let the ho reader anaginōskō understand noeō), 16 then tote those ho who are in en · ho Judea Ioudaia must flee pheugō to eis the ho mountains oros, 17 the ho one on epi the ho housetop dōma must not mē go katabainō down to gather airō up what ho is in ek · ho his autos house oikia, 18 and kai the ho one in en the ho field agros must not mē go epistrephō back opisō to pick airō up · ho his autos coat himation. 19 But de woe ouai to ho women who are echō pregnant en gastēr and kai to ho mothers who are nursing thēlazō babies in en those ekeinos · ho days hēmera! 20 And de pray proseuchomai that hina your hymeis flight phygē will not mē be ginomai · ho in winter cheimōn or mēde on a Sabbath sabbaton. 21 For gar then tote there will be eimi great megas suffering thlipsis, such hoios as has not ou been ginomai from apo the beginning archē of the world kosmos until heōs · ho now nyn, and oude will never ou mē be ginomai again. 22 And kai unless ei mē those ekeinos days hēmera were shortened koloboō, · ho no ou human being sarx would an survive sōzō. But de for dia the sake of the ho elect eklektos those ekeinos days hēmera will be shortened koloboō. · ho 23 Then tote if ean anyone tis says legō to you hymeis, ‘ Look idou, here hōde is the ho Christ Christos!’ or ē, ‘ There hōde he is!’ Do not mē believe pisteuō him. 24 For gar false pseudochristos messiahs and kai false pseudoprophētēs prophets will appear egeirō, and kai they will perform didōmi great megas signs sēmeion and kai wonders teras so hōste as to lead planaō astray , if ei that were possible dynatos, even kai the ho elect eklektos. 25 Mark idou well , I have warned you hymeis in advance. 26 So oun, if ean they say legō to you hymeis, ‘ There idou he is eimi, out in en the ho wilderness erēmos!’ do not mē go exerchomai out ; or, ‘ Here idou he is, in en the ho inner tameion rooms !’ do not mē believe pisteuō it. 27 For gar as hōsper the ho lightning astrapē comes exerchomai from apo the east anatolē and kai flashes phainō to heōs the west dysmē, so houtōs will eimi the ho coming parousia of the ho Son hyios of ho Man anthrōpos be. 28 Wherever hopou ean the ho corpse ptōma is eimi, there ekei the ho vultures aetos will gather synagō.
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