18 (A)In Ramah was [a]a voice heard, mourning, and weeping, and great howling: [b]Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they were not.

19 [c]And when Herod was dead, behold, an Angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to Joseph in Egypt,

20 Saying, Arise, and take the babe and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they are dead which sought the babe’s life.

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  1. Matthew 2:18 A voice of lamenting, weeping, and howling.
  2. Matthew 2:18 That is to say, All that compass about Bethlehem: for Rachel Jacob’s wife, who died in childbirth, was buried in the way that leadeth to this town, which is also called Ephrathah, because of the fruitfulness of the soil, and plenty of corn.
  3. Matthew 2:19 Christ is brought up in Nazareth, after the death of the tyrant by God’s providence: that by the very name of the place, it might plainly appear to the world, that he is the Lord’s true Nazarite.

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