Matthew 13:36-43
Wycliffe Bible
36 Then he let go the people, and came into an house; and his disciples came to him, and said [Then the companies left, he came into an house; and his disciples came nigh to him, saying], Expound to us the parable of the tares of the field.
37 Which answered, and said, He that soweth good seed is man's Son;
38 the field is the world; but the good seed, be sons of the kingdom, but tares, these be evil children;[a]
39 the enemy that soweth them is the fiend [but the enemy that soweth them is the devil]; and the ripe corn is the ending of the world, [forsooth] the reapers be angels.
40 Therefore as tares be gathered together, and be burnt in fire [and burnt in the fire], so it shall be in the ending of the world.
41 Man's Son shall send his angels, and they shall gather from his realm all causes of stumbling [and they shall gather of his realm all offences], and them that do wickedness;
42 and they shall send them into the chimney of fire; there shall be weeping and beating together of teeth.
43 Then just men shall shine as the sun, in the realm of their Father. He that hath ears of hearing, hear he.
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- Matthew 13:38 soothly the field is the world; but the good seed, these be the sons of the realm, tares, or cockles, these be sons of the wicked;
2001 by Terence P. Noble