The Genealogy of Jesus Christ

(A)The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, (B)the son of David, (C)the son of Abraham.

(D)Abraham was the father of Isaac, and (E)Isaac the father of Jacob, and (F)Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers, and (G)Judah the father of Perez and Zerah by Tamar, and Perez the father of Hezron, and Hezron the father of Ram,[a] and Ram the father of Amminadab, and Amminadab the father of Nahshon, and Nahshon the father of Salmon, and Salmon the father of Boaz by (H)Rahab, and Boaz the father of Obed by Ruth, and Obed the father of Jesse, and (I)Jesse the father of David the king.

And (J)David was the father of Solomon by (K)the wife of Uriah, and (L)Solomon the father of Rehoboam, and Rehoboam the father of Abijah, and Abijah the father of Asaph,[b]

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  1. Matthew 1:3 Greek Aram; also verse 4
  2. Matthew 1:7 Asaph is probably an alternate spelling of Asa; some manuscripts Asa; also verse 8

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