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13 This also you do: the altar of the Lord you cover
    with tears, weeping, and groaning,
Because the Lord no longer takes note of your offering
    or accepts it favorably from your hand.
14 (A)And you say, “Why?”—
    Because the Lord is witness
    between you and the wife of your youth
With whom you have broken faith,
    though she is your companion, your covenanted wife.[a]
15 (B)Did he not make them one, with flesh and spirit?
    And what does the One require? Godly offspring!
You should be on guard, then, for your life,
    and do not break faith with the wife of your youth.
16 For I hate divorce,
    says the Lord, the God of Israel,
And the one who covers his garment with violence,
    says the Lord of hosts.
You should be on guard, then, for your life,
    and you must not break faith.

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  1. 2:14 Companion…covenanted wife: the Hebrew word haberet signifies an equal, a partner. This woman, in contrast to the daughter of a foreign god, shares with her husband the same covenant with the Lord.