42 And the Lord said, “Who then is (A)the faithful and (B)wise (C)manager, whom his master will set over his household, to give them their portion of food at the proper time? 43 (D)Blessed is that servant[a] whom his master will find so doing when he comes. 44 Truly, I say to you, (E)he will set him over all his possessions. 45 But if that servant says to himself, ‘My master (F)is delayed in coming,’ and begins to beat the male and female servants, and to eat and drink and (G)get drunk, 46 the master of that servant will come (H)on a day when he does not expect him and (I)at an hour he does not know, and will cut him in pieces and put him with the unfaithful.

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  1. Luke 12:43 Or bondservant; also verses 45, 46, 47

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