36 Now one of the Pharisees was requesting Him to [a]dine with him, and He entered the Pharisee’s house and reclined at the table. 37 (A)And there was a woman in the city who was a [b]sinner; and when she learned that He was reclining at the table in the Pharisee’s house, she brought an alabaster vial of perfume, 38 and standing behind Him at His feet, weeping, she began to wet His feet with her tears, and kept wiping them with the hair of her head, and kissing His feet and anointing them with the perfume. 39 Now when the Pharisee who had invited Him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were (B)a prophet He would know who and what sort of person this woman is who is touching Him, that she is a [c]sinner.”

Parable of Two Debtors

40 And Jesus answered him, “Simon, I have something to say to you.” And he [d]replied, “Say it, Teacher.” 41 “A moneylender had two debtors: one owed five hundred [e](C)denarii, and the other fifty. 42 When they (D)were unable to repay, he graciously forgave them both. So which of them will love him more?” 43 Simon answered and said, “I suppose the one whom he forgave more.” And He said to him, “You have judged correctly.” 44 Turning toward the woman, He said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you (E)gave Me no water for My feet, but she has wet My feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. 45 You (F)gave Me no kiss; but she, since the time I came in, has not ceased to kiss My feet. 46 (G)You did not anoint My head with oil, but she anointed My feet with perfume. 47 For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little.” 48 Then He said to her, (H)Your sins have been forgiven.” 49 Those who were reclining at the table with Him began to say [f]to themselves, “(I)Who is this man who even forgives sins?” 50 And He said to the woman, (J)Your faith has saved you; (K)go in peace.”

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  1. Luke 7:36 Lit eat
  2. Luke 7:37 I.e. an immoral woman
  3. Luke 7:39 I.e. an immoral woman
  4. Luke 7:40 Lit says
  5. Luke 7:41 The denarius was equivalent to a day’s wages
  6. Luke 7:49 Or among

43 And a woman who had a hemorrhage for twelve years, and could not be healed by anyone, 44 came up behind Him and touched the fringe of His [a]cloak, and immediately her hemorrhage stopped. 45 And Jesus said, “Who is the one who touched Me?” And while they were all denying it, Peter said, “(A)Master, the [b]people are crowding and pressing in on You.” 46 But Jesus said, “Someone did touch Me, for I was aware that (B)power had gone out of Me.” 47 When the woman saw that she had not escaped notice, she came trembling and fell down before Him, and declared in the presence of all the people the reason why she had touched Him, and how she had been immediately healed. 48 And He said to her, “Daughter, (C)your faith has [c]made you well; (D)go in peace.”

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  1. Luke 8:44 Or outer garment
  2. Luke 8:45 Lit crowds
  3. Luke 8:48 Or saved you