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27 But I say to you that hear, love ye your enemies, do ye well to them that hated you [do ye well to them that hate you];

28 bless ye men that curse you, pray ye for men that defame you [pray ye for men that falsely challenge you].

29 And to him that smiteth thee on the one cheek, show also the other [give also the other]; and from him that taketh away from thee a cloak [thy cloth], do not thou forbid the coat.

30 And give to each that asketh thee, and if a man taketh away those things that be thine [and he that taketh away those things that be thine], ask thou not again.

31 And as ye will that men do to you, do ye also to them in like manner.

32 And if ye love them that love you, what thank is to you [what grace, or thank, is to you]? for sinful men love men that love them.

33 And if ye do well to them that do well to you, what grace is to you[a]? for sinful men do this thing.

34 And if ye lend to them of which ye hope to take again, what thank is to you [And if ye give borrowing, or lend, to them, of whom ye hope for to take again, what grace, or thank, is to you]? for sinful men lend to sinful men, to take again as much.

35 Nevertheless love ye your enemies, and do ye well, and lend ye, hoping nothing thereof, and your meed shall be much, and ye shall be the sons of the Highest, for he is benign on [upon] unkind men and evil men.

36 Therefore be ye merciful, as [and] your Father is merciful.

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  1. Luke 6:33 what grace/what thank is to you