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And the one said, ‘A hundred baths[a] of olive-oil’. And the one said to him, ‘Take your writings[b], and having sat-down quickly, write fifty’. Then he said to another, ‘And you, how much do you owe?’ And the one said, ‘A hundred cor[c] of wheat’. He says to him, ‘Take your writings, and write eighty’. And the master praised the unrighteous steward because he acted shrewdly[d]. Because the sons of [e] this age are more shrewd in-relation-to their own kind than the sons of the light.

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  1. Luke 16:6 A bath was a liquid measure ranging from 5 to 10 gallons (21-39 liters).
  2. Luke 16:6 Or more specifically, records, receipts, accounts.
  3. Luke 16:7 This dry measure ranged from 6 to 11 bushels (50-90 gallons; 220-393 liters).
  4. Luke 16:8 The point is that he used the resources his master entrusted to him to create a new life for himself. We are to do likewise with regard to our coming heavenly life, v 9.
  5. Luke 16:8 That is, belonging to.

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