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Teachings on stewardship

10 “Someone who is faithful in a small matter,” Jesus continued, “will also be faithful in a large one. Someone who is dishonest in a small matter will also be dishonest in a large one. 11 If you haven’t been faithful with that wicked thing called money, who is going to entrust you with true wealth? 12 And if you haven’t been faithful in looking after what belongs to someone else, who is going to give you what is your own?

13 “Nobody can serve two masters. You will end up hating one and loving the other, or going along with the first and despising the other. You can’t serve God and money.”

14 The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this, and mocked Jesus. 15 So he said to them, “You people let everyone else know that you’re in the right—but God knows your hearts. What people call honorable, God calls abominable!

16 “The law and the prophets lasted until John. From now on, God’s kingdom is announced, and everyone is trying to attack it. 17 But it’s easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one dot of an ‘i’ to drop out of the law.

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