Rewards and Punishment

41 “Lord,” Peter asked, “are you telling this parable to us or to everyone?”

42 The Lord said, “Who then is the faithful and sensible manager(A) his master will put in charge of his household servants to give them their allotted food(B) at the proper time? 43 Blessed is that servant whom the master finds doing his job when he comes. 44 Truly I tell you, he will put him in charge of all his possessions. 45 But if that servant says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying his coming,’(C) and starts to beat the male and female servants, and to eat and drink and get drunk, 46 that servant’s master will come on a day he does not expect him and at an hour he does not know. He will cut him to pieces[a] and assign him a place with the unfaithful.[b] 47 And that servant who knew his master’s will and didn’t prepare himself or do it[c] will be severely beaten.(D) 48 But the one who did not know and did what deserved(E) punishment will receive a light beating. From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, even more will be expected.[d](F)

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  1. 12:46 Lit him in two
  2. 12:46 Or unbelievers
  3. 12:47 Lit or do toward his will,
  4. 12:48 Or much

Job’s Reply to Eliphaz

23 Then Job answered:

Today also my complaint is bitter.[a](A)
His[b] hand is heavy despite my groaning.
If only I knew how to find him,
so that I could go to his throne.
I would plead my case before him(B)
and fill my mouth with arguments.
I would learn how[c] he would answer me;
and understand what he would say to me.
Would he prosecute(C) me forcefully?
No, he would certainly pay attention to me.
Then an upright man could reason(D) with him,
and I would escape from my Judge[d](E) forever.

If I go east, he is not there,
and if I go west, I cannot perceive him.(F)
When he is at work to the north, I cannot see him;
when he turns south, I cannot find him.
10 Yet he knows the way I have taken;[e]
when he has tested me,(G) I will emerge as pure gold.
11 My feet have followed in his tracks;
I have kept to his way(H) and not turned aside.
12 I have not departed from the commands from his lips;
I have treasured[f] the words(I) from his mouth
more than my daily food.

13 But he is unchangeable; who can oppose him?
He does what he desires.(J)
14 He will certainly accomplish what he has decreed for me,
and he has many more things like these in mind.[g]
15 Therefore I am terrified(K) in his presence;
when I consider this, I am afraid of him.
16 God has made my heart faint;(L)
the Almighty has terrified me.
17 Yet I am not destroyed[h] by the darkness,(M)
by the thick darkness that covers my face.

24 Why does the Almighty not reserve times for judgment?(N)
Why do those who know him never see his days?
The wicked displace boundary markers.
They steal a flock and provide pasture for it.
They drive away the donkeys owned by the fatherless(O)
and take the widow’s ox as collateral.
They push the needy off the road;
the poor of the land are forced into hiding.(P)
Like wild donkeys in the wilderness,
the poor go out to their task of foraging for food;
the desert provides nourishment for their children.
They gather their fodder in the field
and glean the vineyards of the wicked.
Without clothing, they spend the night naked,
having no covering against the cold.(Q)
Drenched by mountain rains,
they huddle against[i] the rocks, shelterless.
The fatherless infant is snatched from the breast;
the nursing child of the poor is seized as collateral.[j]
10 Without clothing, they wander about naked.
They carry sheaves but go hungry.(R)
11 They crush olives in their presses;[k]
they tread the winepresses, but go thirsty.
12 From the city, men[l] groan;
the mortally wounded cry for help,
yet God pays no attention to this crime.(S)

13 The wicked are those who rebel against the light.
They do not recognize its ways
or stay on its paths.
14 The murderer rises at dawn
to kill the poor and needy,
and by night he becomes a thief.
15 The adulterer’s eye watches for twilight,
thinking, “No eye will see me,”
and he covers his face.
16 In the dark they break[m] into houses;
by day they lock themselves in,[n]
never experiencing the light.
17 For the morning is like darkness to them.
Surely they are familiar with the terrors of darkness!

18 They float[o] on the surface of the water.
Their section of the land is cursed,
so that they never go to their vineyards.
19 As dry ground and heat snatch away the melted snow,
so Sheol(T) steals those who have sinned.
20 The womb forgets them;
worms feed on them;
they are remembered(U) no more.
So injustice is broken like a tree.
21 They prey on[p] the childless woman who is unable to conceive,
and do not deal kindly with the widow.
22 Yet God drags away[q] the mighty by his power;
when he rises up, they have no assurance of life.
23 He gives them a sense of security, so they can rely on it,(V)
but his eyes(W) watch over their ways.
24 They are exalted for a moment, then gone;
they are brought low and shrivel up like everything else.[r]
They wither like heads of grain.(X)

25 If this is not true, then who can prove me a liar(Y)
and show that my speech is worthless?


  1. 23:2 Syr, Tg, Vg; MT reads rebellion
  2. 23:2 LXX, Syr; MT reads My
  3. 23:5 Lit the words
  4. 23:7 Or judgment
  5. 23:10 Lit way with me
  6. 23:12 LXX, Vg read treasured in my bosom
  7. 23:14 Lit these with him
  8. 23:17 Or silenced
  9. 24:8 Lit they embrace
  10. 24:9 Text emended; MT reads breast; they seize collateral against the poor
  11. 24:11 Lit olives between their rows
  12. 24:12 One Hb ms, Syr read the dying
  13. 24:16 Lit dig
  14. 24:16 Lit they seal for themselves
  15. 24:18 Lit are insignificant
  16. 24:21 LXX, Tg read They harm
  17. 24:22 Or God prolongs the life of
  18. 24:24 LXX reads like a mallow plant in the heat

God’s Selection Is Just

14 What should we say then?(A) Is there injustice with God?(B) Absolutely not!(C) 15 For he tells Moses, I will show mercy to whom I will show mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.[a](D) 16 So then, it does not depend on human will or effort(E) but on God who shows mercy.(F) 17 For the Scripture tells Pharaoh, I raised you up for this reason so that I may display my power in you and that my name may be proclaimed in the whole earth.[b](G) 18 So then, he has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy and he hardens whom he wants to harden.(H)

19 You will say to me,(I) therefore, “Why then does he still find fault?(J) For who resists his will?” (K) 20 On the contrary, who are you, a human being, to talk back to God?(L) Will what is formed say to the one who formed it, “Why did you make me like this?” (M) 21 Or has the potter no right over the clay,(N) to make from the same lump one piece of pottery for honor and another for dishonor? 22 And what if God, wanting to display his wrath and to make his power known, endured with much patience(O) objects of wrath prepared for destruction?(P) 23 And what if he did this to make known the riches of his glory(Q) on objects of mercy(R) that he prepared beforehand for glory(S) 24 on us, the ones he also called,(T) not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles?(U) 25 As it[c] also says in Hosea,

I will call Not My People, My People,
and she who is Unloved, Beloved.[d](V)
26 And it will be in the place where they were told,
you are not my people,
there they will be called sons of the living God.[e](W)

27 But Isaiah cries out concerning Israel,

Though the number of Israelites
is like the sand of the sea,(X)
only the remnant will be saved;(Y)
28 since the Lord will execute his sentence
completely and decisively on the earth.[f][g] (Z)

29 And just as Isaiah predicted:

If the Lord of Armies had not left us offspring,(AA)
we would have become like Sodom,
and we would have been made like Gomorrah.[h](AB)

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  1. 9:15 Ex 33:19
  2. 9:17 Ex 9:16
  3. 9:25 Or he
  4. 9:25 Hs 2:23
  5. 9:26 Hs 1:10
  6. 9:28 Or land
  7. 9:27–28 Is 10:22–23; 28:22; Hs 1:10
  8. 9:29 Is 1:9

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