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Lukas 9:24-26
Orthodox Jewish Bible
Lukas 9:24-26
Orthodox Jewish Bible
24 For whoever wishes to save his nefesh will lose it. But whoever loses his nefesh on my account will save it.
25 For what is the revach (profit) to a ben Adam who has gained the whole of the Olam Hazeh, but has lost his own self, forfeited his neshamah?
26 For whoever has bushah (shame) toward me and my dvarim, this one the Ben HaAdam (Moshiach, DANIEL 7:13-14) will be ashamed of, when Moshiach comes in his Kavod and the Kavod of HaAv of him and of the malachim hakedoshim (holy angels).
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Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
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