Leviticus 27:1-10
Living Bible
27 1-2 The Lord said to Moses, “Tell the people of Israel that when a person makes a special vow to give himself to the Lord, he shall give these payments instead: 3 A man from the age of twenty to sixty shall pay twenty-five dollars;[a] 4 a woman from the age of twenty to sixty shall pay fifteen dollars; 5 a boy from five to twenty shall pay ten dollars; a girl, five dollars. 6 A boy one month to five years old shall have paid for him two and a half dollars; a girl, one and a half dollars. 7 A man over sixty shall pay seven and a half dollars; a woman, five dollars. 8 But if the person is too poor to pay this amount, he shall be brought to the priest, and the priest shall talk it over with him, and he shall pay as the priest shall decide.
9 “But if it is an animal that is vowed to be given to the Lord as a sacrifice, it must be given. 10 The vow may not be changed; the donor may neither change his mind about giving it to the Lord, nor substitute good for bad or bad for good; if he does, both the first and the second shall belong to the Lord!
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- Leviticus 27:3 shall pay twenty-five dollars. Note: The actual value by today’s standards is uncertain. The above figures are approximate.
The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.