22 And (A)I will let loose the wild beasts against you, which shall bereave you of your children and destroy your livestock and make you few in number, so that (B)your roads shall be deserted.

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(A)The highways lie waste;
    the traveler ceases.
(B)Covenants are broken;
    cities[a] are despised;
    there is no regard for man.

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  1. Isaiah 33:8 Masoretic Text; Dead Sea Scroll witnesses

The roads to Zion mourn,
    for none come to (A)the festival;
(B)all her gates are desolate;
    her priests (C)groan;
her virgins have been afflicted,[a]
    and she herself suffers bitterly.

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  1. Lamentations 1:4 Septuagint, Old Latin dragged away

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