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29 When a man sells a house where he lives in a walled town, his right of redemption shall last until a full year after its sale. The time to redeem it lasts for a year. 30 But if it is not redeemed before the completion of a full year, the house which is in a town which has a wall will belong to its buyer and his descendants. It cannot be reclaimed. It will not be released in the Jubilee. 31 But the houses in the villages that have no wall around them shall be classified as part of the farmland. They have the right of redemption and shall become free in the Jubilee.

32 All the towns of the Levites and the houses in the towns which are their property have a permanent right of redemption. 33 Whatever a Levite is permitted to redeem (such as a house which he sold that had been his property in a city) will become free in the Jubilee, because the houses in the towns of the Levites are their possession among the Israelites.[a] 34 But the pastures and fields around the Levites’ towns may not be sold, for that is their permanent possession.

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  1. Leviticus 25:33 The Hebrew of the verse is difficult, so translations vary.