Leviticus 23:27-32
Christian Standard Bible
27 “The tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement.(A) You are to hold a sacred assembly and practice self-denial;(B) you are to present a food offering to the Lord. 28 On this particular day you are not to do any work, for it is a Day of Atonement to make atonement for yourselves before the Lord your God. 29 If any person does not practice self-denial on this particular day, he is to be cut off from his people. 30 I will destroy among his people anyone who does any work on this same day. 31 You are not to do any work. This is a permanent statute throughout your generations wherever you live. 32 It will be a Sabbath of complete rest for you, and you must practice self-denial. You are to observe your Sabbath from the evening of the ninth day of the month until the following evening.”
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Numbers 29:7
Christian Standard Bible
Offerings for the Day of Atonement
7 “You are to hold a sacred assembly on the tenth day of this seventh month and practice self-denial;(A) do not do any work.
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Psalm 35:13
Christian Standard Bible
13 Yet when they were sick,
my clothing was sackcloth;
I humbled myself with fasting,
and my prayer was genuine.[a](A)
- 35:13 Lit prayer returned to my chest
Isaiah 58:3
Christian Standard Bible
3 “Why have we fasted, but you have not seen?(A)
We have denied ourselves, but you haven’t noticed!” [a]
“Look, you do as you please on the day of your fast,
and oppress all your workers.(B)
- 58:3 These are Israel’s words to God.
Isaiah 58:5
Christian Standard Bible
5 Will the fast I choose be like this:
A day for a person to deny himself,
to bow his head like a reed,
and to spread out sackcloth and ashes?(A)
Will you call this a fast
and a day acceptable to the Lord?
Daniel 10:12
Christian Standard Bible
12 “Don’t be afraid,(A) Daniel,” he said to me, “for from the first day that you purposed to understand and to humble yourself before your God,(B) your prayers were heard. I have come because of your prayers.(C)
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