Leviticus 18:24-30
Wycliffe Bible
24 Be ye not defouled in all these things, in which all folks, either heathen men, be defouled, which folks I shall cast out before your sight, (Do not ye be defiled with any of these things, in which all the nations, or all the heathen, be defiled, which nations I shall throw out before you,)
25 of whom the land is defouled, of which land I shall visit the great sins (of them upon it), that it vomit, or throw out, his dwellers. (by whom the land is defiled, of which land I shall visit their great sins upon it, so that it vomit, or throw out, its inhabitants.)
26 Keep ye my lawful things, and my dooms, that ye do not any of all these abominations, as well a man born in the land, as a comeling that is a pilgrim with you. (Obey ye my laws, and my judgements, so that ye do not do any of these abominations, yea, anyone born in the land, as well as a newcomer who is a foreigner, or a stranger, among you.)
27 For the dwellers of the land, that were before you, did all (of) these abominations, and defouled that land.
28 Therefore beware, lest it cast out vilely you in the same manner, when ye shall do such sins, as it casted out vilely the folk, that was before you. (And so beware, lest when ye shall do such sins, it vilely throw you out, in the same manner as it hath vilely thrown out the people, who were before you.)
29 Each man that shall do anything of these abominations, shall perish from the midst of his people.
30 Keep ye my behests; do not ye do those things, which they that were before you did, and be ye not defouled in those; I am your Lord God. (Obey ye my commands; do not ye do those things, which they who were before you did, and be ye not defiled with them; I am the Lord your God.)
Read full chapter2001 by Terence P. Noble