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Leviticus 11:27-29
Wycliffe Bible
Leviticus 11:27-29
Wycliffe Bible
27 That that goeth on hands, of all beasts that go on four feet, shall be unclean; he that toucheth their bodies dead by themselves, shall be defouled till to eventide (he who toucheth their dead bodies, shall be defiled, or unclean, until the evening);
28 and he, that beareth such dead bodies, shall wash his clothes, and he shall be unclean till to eventide; for all these things be unclean to you.
29 Also these things shall be areckoned among defouled things, of these things that be moved on earth (of these things that move upon the ground); a weasel, and a mouse, and a crocodile, each after his kind;
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Wycliffe Bible (WYC)
2001 by Terence P. Noble