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Grain Offerings

“When anyone presents a grain offering to the Lord, the offering shall be of choice flour; the worshiper shall pour oil on it and put frankincense on it(A)

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14 “This is the rule of the grain offering: The sons of Aaron shall offer it before the Lord, in front of the altar.(A) 15 They shall take from it a handful of the choice flour and oil of the grain offering, with all the frankincense that is on the offering, and they shall turn its memorial portion into smoke on the altar as a pleasing odor to the Lord. 16 Aaron and his sons shall eat what is left of it; it shall be eaten as unleavened cakes in a holy place; in the court of the tent of meeting they shall eat it.(B) 17 It shall not be baked with leaven. I have given it as their portion of my offerings by fire;[a] it is most holy, like the purification offering and the guilt offering.(C) 18 Every male among the descendants of Aaron shall eat of it, as their perpetual due throughout your generations, from the Lord’s offerings by fire;[b] anything that touches them shall become holy.”(D)

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  1. 6.17 Or my gifts
  2. 6.18 Or the Lord’s gifts

Another angel with a golden censer came and stood at the altar; he was given a great quantity of incense to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar that is before the throne.(A)

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20 They shall bring all your kindred from all the nations as an offering to the Lord, on horses, and in chariots, and in litters, and on mules, and on dromedaries, to my holy mountain Jerusalem, says the Lord, just as the Israelites bring a grain offering in a clean vessel to the house of the Lord.(A)

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17 He presented the grain offering, and, taking a handful of it, he turned it into smoke on the altar, in addition to the burnt offering of the morning.(A)

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20 But you, beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith; pray in the Holy Spirit;(A)

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19 he presented for his offering one silver plate weighing one hundred thirty shekels, one silver basin weighing seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of choice flour mixed with oil for a grain offering;

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27 As for you, the anointing that you received from him abides in you, so you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, abide in him.[a](A)

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  1. 2.27 Or it

20 But you have been anointed by the Holy One, and all of you have knowledge.[a](A)

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  1. 2.20 Other ancient authorities read you know all things

35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.(A)

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11 For from the rising of the sun to its setting my name is great among the nations, and in every place incense is offered to my name and a pure offering, for my name is great among the nations, says the Lord of hosts.(A)

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14 Who knows whether he will not turn and relent
    and leave a blessing behind him,
a grain offering and a drink offering
    for the Lord your God?(A)

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then whoever presents such an offering to the Lord shall present also a grain offering, one-tenth of an ephah of choice flour, mixed with one-fourth of a hin of oil.(A) Moreover, you shall offer one-fourth of a hin of wine as a drink offering with the burnt offering or the sacrifice, for each lamb.(B) For a ram, you shall offer a grain offering, two-tenths of an ephah of choice flour mixed with one-third of a hin of oil,(C) and as a drink offering you shall offer one-third of a hin of wine, a pleasing odor to the Lord. When you offer a bull as a burnt offering or a sacrifice, to fulfill a vow or as an offering of well-being to the Lord,(D) then you shall present with the bull a grain offering, three-tenths of an ephah of choice flour, mixed with half a hin of oil,(E) 10 and you shall present as a drink offering half a hin of wine, as an offering by fire,[a] a pleasing odor to the Lord.

11 “Thus it shall be done for each ox or ram or for each of the male lambs or the kids. 12 According to the number that you offer, so you shall do with each and every one. 13 Every native Israelite shall do these things in this way, in presenting an offering by fire,[b] a pleasing odor to the Lord. 14 An alien who lives with you or who takes up permanent residence among you and wishes to offer an offering by fire,[c] a pleasing odor to the Lord, shall do as you do. 15 As for the assembly, there shall be for both you and the resident alien a single statute, a perpetual statute throughout your generations; you and the alien shall be alike before the Lord.(F) 16 You and the alien who resides with you shall have the same law and the same ordinance.”

17 The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 18 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: After you come into the land to which I am bringing you,(G) 19 whenever you eat of the bread of the land you shall present a donation to the Lord.(H) 20 From your first batch of dough you shall present a loaf as a donation; you shall present it just as you present a donation from the threshing floor.(I) 21 Throughout your generations you shall give to the Lord a donation from the first of your batch of dough.

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  1. 15.10 Or a gift
  2. 15.13 Or a gift
  3. 15.14 Or a gift

13 his offering was one silver plate weighing one hundred thirty shekels, one silver basin weighing seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of choice flour mixed with oil for a grain offering;(A)

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10 But every other grain offering, mixed with oil or dry, shall belong to all the sons of Aaron equally.

Further Instructions

11 “This is the rule of the sacrifice of well-being that one may offer to the Lord. 12 If you offer it for thanksgiving, you shall offer with the thank offering unleavened cakes mixed with oil, unleavened wafers spread with oil, and cakes of choice flour well soaked in oil.

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20 “This is the offering that Aaron and his sons shall offer to the Lord on the day when he is anointed: one-tenth of an ephah of choice flour as a regular grain offering, half of it in the morning and half in the evening.(A) 21 It shall be made with oil on a griddle; you shall bring it well soaked, as a grain offering of baked[a] pieces, and you shall present it as a pleasing odor to the Lord.(B) 22 And so the priest, anointed from among Aaron’s descendants as a successor, shall prepare it; it is the Lord’s—a perpetual due—to be turned entirely into smoke. 23 Every grain offering of a priest shall be wholly burned; it shall not be eaten.”

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  1. 6.21 Meaning of Heb uncertain

15 You shall add oil to it and lay frankincense on it; it is a grain offering. 16 And the priest shall turn a token portion of it into smoke—some of the crushed grain and oil with all its frankincense; it is an offering by fire[a] to the Lord.(A)

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  1. 2.16 Or a gift

“When you present a grain offering baked in the oven, it shall be of choice flour: unleavened cakes mixed with oil or unleavened wafers spread with oil. If your offering is grain prepared on a griddle, it shall be of choice flour mixed with oil, unleavened; break it in pieces and pour oil on it; it is a grain offering. If your offering is grain prepared in a pan, it shall be made of choice flour in oil. You shall bring to the Lord the grain offering that is prepared in any of these ways, and when it is presented to the priest, he shall take it to the altar.

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and unleavened bread, unleavened cakes mixed with oil, and unleavened wafers spread with oil. You shall make them of choice wheat flour.(A)

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he was chosen by lot, according to the custom of the priesthood, to enter the sanctuary of the Lord to offer incense.(A) 10 Now at the time of the incense offering, the whole assembly of the people was praying outside.(B)

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The grain offering and the drink offering are cut off
    from the house of the Lord.
The priests mourn,
    the ministers of the Lord.(A)

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