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11 All her people are sighing as they search for bread.
    They traded their precious things for food in order to stay alive.
    Look, Lord, and see that I have become despised.
12 But nothing like this is happening to you, all you who pass me by.[a]
    Look and see if there is any pain like my pain, which was dealt out to me,
    which the Lord caused me to suffer on the day of his burning anger.
13 From on high he sent fire into my bones and overpowered[b] me.
    He spread a net for my feet. He turned me back.
    He made me desolate. I was sick all day long.
14 The yoke of my sinful rebellion is fastened to my neck.
    My sins are bound together by his hand.
    They have risen up as high as my neck. He has weakened my strength.[c]
    The Lord has given me into the hands of people I cannot resist.
15 The Lord has tossed aside all the strong men in my midst.
    He called an assembly against me to break my best young men.
    The Lord has trampled the virgin daughter of Judah in a winepress.
16 Because of these things, I am weeping. My eye, my eye flows with water,
    because the comforter, the one who restores my soul, is far away from me.
    My children have become desolate, because the enemy has prevailed.

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  1. Lamentations 1:12 Or is all this nothing to you, all you who pass me by?
  2. Lamentations 1:13 Or it came down on
  3. Lamentations 1:14 This verse is difficult.