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Kehillah in Philippi 3:1-2
Orthodox Jewish Bible
Kehillah in Philippi 3:1-2
Orthodox Jewish Bible
3 As to the rest, Achim b’Moshiach of mine, have simcha in Adoneinu [1:25; 2:18,28,29; 4:4]. To keep writing the zelba thing [l:4,18; 1:25; 2:2,17,18, 28,29] to you is not an irksome bother to me, but for you it is a te’udat bitachon (safeguard).
2 Be shomer and on your guard and watch out for those [unclean, prowling] kelevim (dogs Ps 22:17(16),20; Rv 22:15), watch out for the evil po’alim (workers), watch out for the “circummutilators” (Ga 6:12).
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