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Kehillah in Galatia 2:2-4
Orthodox Jewish Bible
Kehillah in Galatia 2:2-4
Orthodox Jewish Bible
2 Yet I went up according to a chazon (revelation), and I laid before them the Besuras HaGeulah which I proclaim among the Goyim, but I did this privately to the men of repute (2:9), lest I should run, or should prove to have run, L’TOHU (in vain) [YESHAYAH 49:4; 65:23].
3 But Titos, the one with me, a Yevani (Greek), was not compelled to undergo bris milah.
4 But because of the achei sheker (false brothers) b’Moshiach, the ones secretly brought in, the ones who crept in to spy out our DEROR ("freedom" VAYIKRA 25:10) which we have in Moshiach Yehoshua al menat (in order that) they might enslave us.
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