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Kehillah in Colossae 1:5-7
Orthodox Jewish Bible
Kehillah in Colossae 1:5-7
Orthodox Jewish Bible
5 On account of the tikvah (hope) being laid up for you in Shomayim, the tikvah which you heard of before in the Dvar HaEmes, the Besuras HaGeulah
6 That has come to you, as also in all the Olam Hazeh it is bearing p’ri and growing, so also in you, from the day you heard it and began to have saving da’as of the Chen v’Chesed Hashem in actuality.
7 This you learned from Epaphras, [4:12] our chaver and fellow eved, who is ne’eman (faithful), who is a trusted keli kodesh (minister) of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach for you.
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