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Kefa II 3:4-6
Orthodox Jewish Bible
Kefa II 3:4-6
Orthodox Jewish Bible
4 And saying, "Where is the havtachah (promise) of the Bias HaMoshiach? From the time Avoteinu fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of HaBri’ah (Creation)."
5 For this is hidden from them (but they want it that way): that the Shomayim existed from long ago and ha’Aretz out of mayim and through mayim BIDVAR Hashem NA’ASU ("By the word of the L-rd were made" TEHILLIM 33:6).
6 Through this very mayim, the tevel (world) of that time perished in the mabbul (flood).
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Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
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