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Judges 5:17-19
New English Translation
Judges 5:17-19
New English Translation
17 Gilead stayed put[a] beyond the Jordan River.
As for Dan—why did he seek temporary employment in the shipyards?[b]
Asher remained[c] on the seacoast;
he stayed[d] by his harbors.[e]
18 The men of Zebulun were not concerned about their lives;[f]
Naphtali charged onto the battlefields.[g]
19 Kings came, they fought;
the kings of Canaan fought
at Taanach by the waters of Megiddo,
but[h] they took no silver as plunder.
- Judges 5:17 tn Heb “lived” or “settled down.”sn Apparently the people of Gilead remained on the other side of the river and did not participate in the battle.
- Judges 5:17 tn Heb “Dan, why did he live as a resident alien, ships.” The verb גּוּר (gur) usually refers to taking up residence outside one’s native land. Perhaps the Danites, rather than rallying to Barak, were content to move to the Mediterranean coast and work in the shipyards. For further discussion, see B. Lindars, Judges 1-5, 262.
- Judges 5:17 tn Heb “lived.”
- Judges 5:17 tn Heb “lived” or “settled down.”
- Judges 5:17 tn The meaning of the Hebrew word מִפְרָץ (mifrats) is uncertain, but the parallelism (note “seacoast”) suggests “harbors.”
- Judges 5:18 tn Heb “Zebulun was a people which despised its life even unto death.”
- Judges 5:18 tn Heb “Naphtali was on the heights of the field.”
- Judges 5:19 tn The contrastive conjunction “but” is interpretive.
New English Translation (NET)
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