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29 If I were in charge here, I would get rid of Abimelech. I would say[a] to him, ‘Get some soldiers, and come out and fight!’”

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  1. 9:29 As in Greek version; Hebrew reads And he said.

I wish I were the judge. Then everyone could bring their cases to me for judgment, and I would give them justice!”

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30 They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents. 31 They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy.

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“I’ll tell you what! Strike a bargain with my master, the king of Assyria. I will give you 2,000 horses if you can find that many men to ride on them! With your tiny army, how can you think of challenging even the weakest contingent of my master’s troops, even with the help of Egypt’s chariots and charioteers?

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For they brag about their evil desires;
    they praise the greedy and curse the Lord.

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23 “I’ll tell you what! Strike a bargain with my master, the king of Assyria. I will give you 2,000 horses if you can find that many men to ride on them!

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One day Amaziah sent messengers with this challenge to Israel’s king Jehoash, the son of Jehoahaz and grandson of Jehu: “Come and meet me in battle!”[a]

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  1. 14:8 Hebrew Come, let us look one another in the face.

11 The king of Israel sent back this answer: “A warrior putting on his sword for battle should not boast like a warrior who has already won.”

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14 Then Abner suggested to Joab, “Let’s have a few of our warriors fight hand to hand here in front of us.”

“All right,” Joab agreed. 15 So twelve men were chosen to fight from each side—twelve men of Benjamin representing Ishbosheth son of Saul, and twelve representing David. 16 Each one grabbed his opponent by the hair and thrust his sword into the other’s side so that all of them died. So this place at Gibeon has been known ever since as the Field of Swords.[a]

17 A fierce battle followed that day, and Abner and the men of Israel were defeated by the forces of David.

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  1. 2:16 Hebrew Helkath-hazzurim.

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