Jude 23-25
EasyEnglish Bible
23 Some people are in great danger. You must save them from the fire of God's punishment.[a] Also be kind to people who have done wicked and disgusting things. But be careful! Do not let their sins make you bad too.
Jude thanks God
24 God is able to keep you safe so that you continue to trust him. One day you will stand in front of him and you will be very happy. God will bring you to that place and you will be completely good. You will be able to stand near to God, who shines with beautiful light. 25 He is the only God. He is the one who saves us because of our Lord Jesus Christ. So we praise him! We say that he is very great! He rules with power and authority. This has always been true. It is true now, and it will be true for ever. Amen!
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